Saturday 8 September 2012

Information Gathering

The first thing we should do when starting penetration testing or hacking is gather information. In Information Security ussualy called Information Gathering step. Information Gathering is the basic thing in hacking. Information Gathering is the process of gathering as much information from the target which we will test. Informastion Gathering is divided into two, Technical and Non-Technical.
  • Technical Information Gathering is the process of gathering information that is technical, such as the use of tools.
  • Non-Technical Information Gathering is the process of gathering information that is non technical, for example, personal approach to the target.
Technical Information Gathering was divided into two techniques, Active and Passive
  • Active Information Gathering is is a collection of information directed towards a target, such as scan directly to the target.
  • Passive Information Gathering is a collection of information that does not lead directly to a target, such as using different media, ie googling.

Next, i will try to practice Information Gatherig in my network.


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